Thursday, September 4, 2008

This blog will R.I.P. in 2 days (brought over from LiveJournal)

I created another blog. Wow! What a surprise!

I need to learn how to keep these things updated. I guess my life isn’t interesting enough to write about (or should I say “consistently interesting” enough…yeah, that sounds better).

Thankfully, I actually have a reason to create a blog now. And it’s for school – yet another surprise! Whooo! SURPRISES GALORE! I haven’t quite figured out what I want to write about yet. I was thinking something along the lines of “My DVR sucks,” and I just write about how my DVR messes up (i.e. freezes, audio drops, etc.) on me all the time while I’m in the middle of my television show. With that as the main topic, I was hoping to expand it to all technology, like how my cell phone never has service or how my Ipod won’t let me import other people’s libraries anymore. Or how I wish my boss would just follow the masses and purchase a Mac at work so I don’t have to deal with the horrible PC anymore. It’s basically a rant blog, but I feel like it’s the kind of thing that everyone can relate to. Writing is also my release whenever I want to vent, and I think rather than throwing the remote at the television to release my frustration with the DVR (which I have never done, but have contemplated many times before), I can just write in my blog. Think of it as a public anger management/therapy session with the Internet community. Sound good?

something like this...

Other ideas I had revolved around role play. One of the characters I wanted to play was one (or all) of the Gosselin kids from Jon and Kate plus 8; a hypothetical “If one of the sextuplets or twins created a blog, what would they say?” I would base each post off of an episode, assume the role of one of the kids, and type.

this is cute

The URL for this blog is movinlikewhoa basically saying I’m constantly on the move and annoyingly indecisive. Hopefully the new blog will be interesting, pending my decision of the topic – that is, assuming I make a decision.

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